About us


Béchamels is the first French consulting agency specialized in culinary tourism.
We act to put producers, winemakers and craftsmen at the heart of a more human and respectful tourism. #agritourism #winetourism #ecotourism
We favor sustainable solutions and partners committed to the ecological transition. We favor soft mobility, digital sobriety, short circuits and respect for the seasons. #slowtourism #bicycletouring #sustainabletourism
We encourage a culture of sharing and conviviality. We rely on co-construction, simplicity and dialogue to learn and succeed together. #tourismproximity
We consider that “the table” is a source of respect and fraternity. We facilitate multicultural and intergenerational dialogue, we encourage diversity and inclusion through and for food. #diversity #inclusion #respect

Yes, Bechamels is written in the plural

Born in the 17th century in France, béchamel is a sauce that binds flour, butter and milk to serve as a base for various French and foreign dishes.Simple in appearance, its success depends on the technique of the cook.With us, it’s the same!
We are ambassadors of living well, eating well and receiving well in the French way.
We accompany professionals because we come from the restaurant industry or have degrees in oenology and tourism.
We master the specific techniques and tools adapted to the good progress to the proper conduct and quality of the services we offer.
We give shape to projects with multiple identities where everyone can express their values and uniqueness.
elise botiveau

About Elise

My attachment to the table comes from my childhood.

My first real memory of cooking is my meeting with Paul Bocuse, one of the greatest French chefs of the 20th century. I was 3 years old and my parents took me to a restaurant. “Monsieur Paul” brought me a brioche sausage and an orange juice and took me to visit his kitchens. This big man in white holding my hand, the shiny brassware, was my first gastronomic shock!

EAs a child, I loved it when my parents hosted a lunch or dinner party. The choice of the menu, the preparations in the kitchen, the beautiful tables, the choice of wines, the joyful hubbub of the guests, the table is first and foremost for me the collection of these happy and shared moments. Moreover, we used to go to the restaurant as a family, a bit like going to a museum, we used to talk about tastes, history, culinary techniques and quality of service. In fact, I have been developing my gastronomic culture for 50 years!

Although my studies (Sciences Po – International Relations) and my professional career (mainly in Tech) had little to do with cooking, I never stayed away from the table.

China, Syria, Egypt, South Africa, United States, Thailand, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, Morocco or Iran, my travels have allowed me to discover the cuisines of the world. I became interested in tastes, ingredients and know-how from elsewhere. Sharing my discoveries has become a real passion. Abroad I explored, and here in France I gave tours of our markets, explained the history of restaurants and the French art of living.


The will to make it my job finally – finally? – imposed itself on me. I started my professional reconversion in 2018 with the idea of developing foodtours. In April 2020, after a Bachelor’s degree in tourism, the Ferrandi cooking school and a diploma in oenology, I was ready to do a first full-scale test… and here is COVID !


The pandemic delays and modifies my project but reinforces my analysis and my convictions. Gastronomy will be at the heart of tomorrow’s tourism, more responsible, authentic and friendly. I created Béchamels in March 2021 to put my knowledge and skills at the service of the actors of a responsible and committed tourism, by and for the table!

It is with great pride that I joined the World Food Travel Association as an ambassador for France. I also sit on the Board of Directors of the association, which allows me to act concretely in favor of “Food & Travel” at the international level.

I am also very committed to promoting the employment of women
and young people.
This is why I have taken over the direction of the “Entrepreneurship and Business Development” master’s degree at ISTEC, a business school based in Paris. I regularly speak at conferences and to students on topics related to entrepreneurship and diversity.

At your service.

The Bechamels Collective


Graphic designer, Webdesigner

I am involved in the creation of logos and websites for wellness professionals.

florence delaune equipe bechamels


Webmaster SEO

I help you develop your business and your visibility on the Web (specialized in WordPress and SEO).



I highlight the know-how of those who are committed to quality food.


France Num Activator

I facilitate the daily life of small and medium-sized businesses, wine merchants and winemakers, thanks to the digital transformation of their activity.


Web Editor

I help you put your ideas into words to develop your brand and reputation.

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